Saturday, August 30, 2008

Natural Pearls

Pearls have been prized for their beauty and rarity for more than four thousand years. From ancient China, India, and Egypt, to Imperial Rome, to the Arab world, to Native American tribes, cultures from around the world and throughout recorded history have valued pearls longer than any other gem.Pearls are the only gemstones grown inside of a living organism. Pearls are formed within oysters or mollusks when a foreign substance (most often a parasite - not a grain of sand) invades the shell of the mollusk and enters the soft mantle tissue. In response to the irritation, the mantle's epithelial cells form a sac (known as a pearl sac) which secretes a crystalline substance called nacre, the same substance which makes up the interior of a mollusk's shell, which builds up in layers around the irritant, forming a pearl.
There are approximately 8,000 different species of bi-valve mollusks, of which only about 20 are capable of consistently producing pearls. Natural pearls are extremely rare. Because the layers of nacre tend to maintain the irregular shape of the original irritant, natural pearls which are round or spherical in shape are even more rare. Most natural pearls are irregularly shaped.
In a completely natural state, only a very small percentage of mollusks will ever produce a pearl and only a few of them will develop a desirable size, shape, and color; only a small fraction of those will be harvested by humans. It is commonly assumed that one in ten thousand mollusks naturally produce gem quality pearls. Obviously, if we relied only on nature, ownership of pearls would still be relegated to the wealthiest and pearl producing mollusks would be on the brink of extinction due to over-harvest. As pearls have been prized for thousands of years, this need has led to the development of cultured pearls.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Before You a Basement Storage Unit

Unfinished basements are tempting spots for storing household goods as well as for creating new living space. But many homeowners have discovered that the basement can be too damp to provide safe storage for many items. Moisture causes damage of its own, and in the dark basement environment can also generate mold and mildew problems.

Before you start buying or building storage units to be used in your basement, and even before you start hauling boxes downstairs, take some time to assess the potential for problems. Many moisture problems can be remedied, or at least lessened, with little effort.

1) Assess the Threat

Moisture problems are not always easy to spot. Obviously, if your basement occasionally has visible surface water, you know that you have a problem. But a high humidity level does not always leave such obvious clues. Here are some symptoms that can alert you to troublesome moisture levels.
Dry rot on joists or sills.
Rust on metal objects.
Musty or sour odor.
If any of these clues are evident, you should try to find the source of the moisture.

2) Find the Source

Basements are usually damper than the rest of the house. Excess moisture can come from the following sources.
a)Cracks in the foundation.
b)Plumbing leaks.
c)High water table.
d)Gutters and downspouts clogged, funneling water to the foundation.
e)Improper grading around the foundation.
f)Leaking windows or doors.

Investigate each of these potential causes to narrow your search. Once you have identified the source, you will know where you need to concentrate your remediation efforts.

3) Reduce the Moisture

Address all sources of moisture problems you find, using the following methods. Some you may be able to handle yourself, others may require professional help.

a) Control runoff. Clean out gutters and downspouts. Repair or replace any damaged sections. Use soil to create suitable grading.

b) Seal leaks. Fill leaking cracks and holes with a masonry repair compound or hydraulic cement. Coat moist walls with waterproofing paint.

c) Control a high water table. Interior perimeter drains can collect moisture and channel it to a sump pump. An exterior drainage system is usually the most expensive option.

d) Use a dehumidifier.

Top Ten Overlooked Storage Spaces

Storage happens. Unfortunately, most often it happens without a plan. We stash something where there's an empty spot, then pile something else on top of it, and so on, until one day we've forgotten where we put any of it. And, in the meantime, the pile has grown big enough to cause problems of its own.

One reason we create such visible messes with our haphazard, unplanned storage habits is that we fail to consider the large, and largely empty, spaces that exist around the house. The first step in planned storage, therefore, is to inventory the potential storage spaces that surround you. Let's start at the top.
1. Attics
2. Walls
3. Closets
4. Pantries
5. Laundry
6. Basements
7. Entries & Mudrooms
8. Garages
9. Sheds
10. Temporary Storage Units

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

How many Fruits and Vegetables do you Need Each Day

How many Fruits and Vegetables do you Need Each Day?
Are you getting 5 to 9 servings a day?
Children ages 2 to 6, women, some older adults who need about 1,600 calories each day should have 2 servings of fruit and 3 servings of vegetables each day.

Older children, teen girls, active women, most men who need about 2,200 calories each day should have 3 servings of fruit and 4 servings of vegetables each day.

Teen boys and active men who need about 2,800 calories each day should have 4 servings of fruit and 5 servings of vegetables each day

Why Children Hate Vegetables

Why do kids turn up their noses at broccoli but beg for ice cream? It may be genetic. A study done by researchers at Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia shows that a gene called TAS2R38 may be responsible for children's aversion to bitter tastes. Every one of us carries two of these genes. There are two different versions of this gene, with one being more sensitive to bitter tastes than the other. If one or both of those bitter-sensitive genes are present, we are more likely to dislike bitter tastes.
The study included 143 children and their mothers, and over 79% of the children had one or two copies of the bitter-sensitive gene present. Interestingly, the presence of the bitter-sensitive gene made a bigger impact on the children's food preferences than their mothers. The mothers tastes seemed to be influenced more by race and ethnicity than the children. In a sense, they grew out of their aversion to bitter foods.

If this study holds true, then about 80% of children aren't going to be thrilled about eating broccoli and cauliflower. It may be difficult to convince your children to eat more vegetables if they are over-sensitive to bitter flavors.

You don't need to look longingly at those 20% of youngsters that do like vegetables while cringing at your own bitter-sensitive kids' reaction. You can disguise the bitter taste, or choose sweeter vegetables. Over time, your children's aversion to bitter tastes will ease.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Start Investing With Very Small Amounts of Money

Use Direct Purchase Plans
If you want to get started in investing but don't have a chunk of change to plop down for a signficant investment, are you doomed to wait until your cash flow improves? No. There are ways for beginners to invest with the amount of money most people spend on soda or coffee every month.
One easy way to get started is through direct investing, a method of buying stock directly from the company without going through a broker. Not only can you invest small amounts (often as low as $25 or the value of one share of stock), but you can find Direct Purchase Plans (DPPs) with fees that are less than those you'd pay to brokers.

Companies are forbidden by law to advertise their direct purhcase plans, so to find them, visit a site like Direct Purchase Plan Clearinghouse and Direct Investing.

You can also enroll in programs to have a fixed amount deducted monthly from your bank account and automatically invested in the stock, even if your monthly deposit isn't enough for a whole share.

For instance, if you invest $25 per month in a DPP and the stock price is $50, you can purchase 1/2 of a share.
If you don't have thousands of dollars to invest at a time, this is a great way to get started in investing and build a portfolio that will allow you to save for your future, pay for college, and fund your retirement.

How do you find companies that offer DPPs? is one online service that allows you to research companies by using a searchable database of over 5,000 stocks and Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs). You can invest any amount you want. There are no account minimums and no inactivity fees. Trading fees are very low, averaging $1 to $4 per trade.

If you have specific companies in mind that you're interested in investing in, use the Stock Finder tab on to see if they offer direct purchase plans and view information about the company.

Benefits of plans like Sharebuilder's include automatic investing with automatic deductions from your paycheck or bank account, a wide selection of over 5,000 stocks and ETFs, real-time information about your portfolia online, and practical investing advice.

Remember, it's important to choose your investments carefully. For first time investors, it's a good idea to choose a company you know--one you do business with regularly and are familiar with. It could be a music company, a chain of restaurants, the maker of your favorite food, or an automobile manufacturer, for example. Before buying, look the stock up at Morningstar, where you can get information and ratings of many stocks and mutual funds.

Broke! A College Student's Guide to Getting By On Less

Advice For College Students From College Students
Broke! A College Student's Guide to Getting By On Less, by Trent Anderson and Seppy Basili, is down-to-earth, practical money advice for college students, by college students.
This is not your parents speaking. There's no finger shaking, no censure, and no guilt. These practical and realistic tips on what works and what doesn't are down to earth and obviously from the mouths of those who have "been there, done that." In fact, each tip is from a college student or recent graduate, sharing secrets to living on less while having a great time in college. The student's name, major, and college is included for each tip.

Topics covered include:

asking Mom and Dad for money
credit cards
managing loans and scholarships
saving money on textboooks and supplies
eating out or in
costs of sororities and fraternities
paying for spring breaks
traveling affordably
coming up with quick cash
Broke! is a 4 x 6" paperback that you can easily slip into your backpack or tote bag and read while you're waiting in line, between classes, on the bus, or waiting at the drive-up window at Dunkin' Donuts.

Unlike most personal finance books, you can read it in short bursts of a minute or less without losing any of the essence. That's because the entire book is written in one or two sentence snippets. No need to read it from cover to cover, either; the advice is just as good if you open it randomly at any page and start reading.

Bottom line: it's a great little book for any college student.

Eight Warning Signs That You May Be Headed for Bankruptcy

And Eight Tips for Avoiding It
Bankruptcies are at an alarming level in the United States. Bankruptcy doesn't happen just to financial deadbeats. It could happen to your family member, your neighbor, your friend. It could even happen to you. Here are eight warning signs that you're headed for possible bankruptcy, and eight tips for avoiding it and changing course before it's too late.

Bankruptcy Warning Sign #1: No health insurance or inadequate coverage. Medical bills are a factor in one out of five bankruptcies.

Bankruptcy Warning Sign #2: Maxing out on your credit cards or charging more than you can pay off each month. Credit card debt is one of the major factors in many bankruptcies. A good rule of thumb is to use no more than 30% to 40% of your available credit at any one time. This gives you flexibility in case of job loss, illness, divorce, or other threat to your income.

Bankruptcy Warning Sign #3: Over-using home equity loans. Think twice before you use your home equity loan or line of credit for items other than home improvements. Make sure you can afford the payments comfortably.

Bankruptcy Warning Sign # 4: No emergency fund. If you live from paycheck to paycheck with little or no savings for emergencies, you're at higher risk of going bankrupt. 43% of American households have less than $1,000 saved, an alarming statistic.

Bankruptcy Warning Sign #5: Paying the minimum balance on your credit cards. Since it can take 20 to 30 years to pay off your credit card balance when you pay only the minimum payment, if that's all you can afford to pay, you really can't afford to buy whatever it is you've been buying.

Bankruptcy Warning Sign #6: Co-signing a loan for someone else. Co-signing loans is a common factor in many bankruptcies when the person you co-signed for defaults on the loan payments and you're held responsible by the lender.

Bankruptcy Warning Sign # 7: Tax lien or foreclosure on your home, or repossession of a car or other item you failed to make timely payments on. These are signs that you've lost your grip on your financial situation. Take them seriously.

Bankruptcy Warning Sign #8: Borrowing too much on student loans. You may end up finding your student loan payments so high you can't afford your living expenses.
The key to avoiding bankruptcy or other, less dire but no less unpleasant financial problems is to have a firm grip on your finances by following these eight tips:

Avoid impulse spending.

Don't use a credit card unless you have the cash to pay it off.

Tear up credit card offers you receive in the mail.

Set up a budget and stick to it.

Don't buy more house than you can comfortably afford.

Make sure you're adequately covered by insurance (medical, homeowners, auto).

Don't make speculative or high-risk investments.

Don't incur joint debt with others who have questionable financial habits.

Home Improvements - Will They Pay Back What They Cost?

Deciding Whether a Home Improvement Makes Financial Sense
Millions of homeowners have taken advantage of low mortgage and home equity loan interest rates to make home improvements or remodel their homes over the last several years. When they sell their homes, many of them are unable to recoup the money they put into the improvements. Not all home improvements are created equal, so how do you know which ones will pay you back the money you put into them?
Home improvement payback values vary widely by region and even by neighborhood. In general, expect to recoup less of your investment in a slow real estate market than you would in a hotter real estate market where houses are appreciating rapidly in value.

One of the most popular projects, finishing your basement, has one of the lowest rates of return,. The average payback for finishing a basement is less than 50% of your costs, so if you spend $10,000, you can expect to increase the value of your home at resale by less than $5,000; the other $5,000 comes out of your pocket.

Kitchen remodeling and bathroom additions often pay back 75% to 90% or more of your costs. In-ground pools end up being notoriously bad investments, averaging a payback of less than 10%. Whirlpool baths, fireplaces, and decks don't fare much better. Remember that what's important to you may not be important to a potential buyer.

Improvements that potential buyers are most likely to be willing to pay for include:

Adding or remodeling a bathroom
Kitchen improvements
Adding a room
Adding a bedroom
Adding a garage
You can't always make a decision about home improvements based solely on the financial aspects. You may need extra space for an expanding family or have a home improvement that just can't wait, like a new roof. But if you're planning a home improvement project that doesn't have to be made, how do you decide if it makes financial sense?

Remember that when it comes time to sell your home, it's never a good idea to have the biggest or most expensive house in the neighborhood, because it will be more difficult to sell if the asking price is higher than other homes. The same principal applies when remodeling. If you make your home significantly larger or more expensive than others in the neighborhood, your likelihood of recovering your costs declines.

So, think carefully before tapping the equity in your home to make improvements. If you plan to sell in the next five or so years, you may recover only a small percentage of the money you put into your home improvements. You could even end up owing more to the bank than you can get for your house when you sell it.

If you're planning to sell and are considering making improvements in order to increase the selling price, do your homework first. Talk to experienced realtors, builders, and other industry professionals about whether you're likely to make back the money you put into the improvements.

Five Worst Money Mistakes to Avoid When Buying a Car

Big Car Payments Can Lead to Credit Card Debt
Many young adults (and quite a few older ones) have such high car payments that they struggle to meet their other financial obligations. The shortage of cash forces them to use their credit cards for day-to-day expenses, getting deeper and deeper into debt. They may not even realize that their car payment is the root of the problem. Here are the top five mistakes to avoid to prevent excessive credit card debt caused by buying too much car.
Not Knowing How Much Car You Can Really Afford
Financial experts recommend spending no more 12 to 15% of your after-tax monthly income for car payments. To calculate how much car you can afford, multiply your monthly net pay (take-home pay after taxes are deducted) times 15% (.15). Your car payment should not exceed this general guideline.
What's the highest car sticker price that much money will buy? To find out, use the "How Much Car Can You Afford?" calculator at and see the example at the end of this article.
There's more to the cost of a car than just the purchase price - there's the cost of owning your new car. Insurance rates vary widely depending on theft, damage or repair costs for each make and model, as well as other factors, so ask your insurance agent for quotes on several different makes and models. Also consider the costs of repairs and maintenance and the repair record of the car, available from Consumer Reports and other consumer organizations.

Buying New Versus Used Cars
New cars depreciate in value signficantly during the first two years of ownership (30 to 40%). If money is an issue, let someone else pay for the depreciation on the first year or two of your car - buy used. If you're very concerned about warranties or determined to have particular options and specific features, and the rapid loss of value in the first few years of ownership is not a big concern (for example, if you intend to keep the car for 5 to 7 years), buying new may suit you, but go into it with your eyes open.

Not Knowing the True Worth of a Rebate Versus a Low Interest Rate on New Cars
What if your dealer offers a choice between a cash rebate on your new car or a very low interest rate? How do you determine which is the best deal? You may be surprised, so use the quick and easy Rebate/Interest Rate Calculator on to find out you which deal will save you the most money.

Choosing a Long-term Loan Versus a Short-term Loan
There was a time when the average car loan was 36 months. Now 60 months is more the standard and many dealers are offering 72 months or more. This allows you to buy more car than you can really afford, by stretching the payments out until the car is almost fully depreciated. You also end up with higher interest costs, and you may become upside down on your loan (see #5, below). Try to buy only as much car as you can afford to pay off in 48 months, or even better, 36 months.

Being Upside Down on Your Existing Car Loan
Long-term loans (and quickly depreciating cars) are also the reason people get "upside down" on their loan, where they owe more than the car is worth. If they trade it in or sell it, they have to pay the lender money out of their own pockets or add the old loan balance to their new car payment. If you still owed $3,000 on your old car and you rolled the balance into your new car loan of $17,494 from the example below, your new car payment for 60 months at 6.5% interest would be $409 instead of $292, an additional $117 per month for 60 months, for an additional $7,020. Rather than stretch your payments out over five years or more, buy a cheaper car, or a one- or two-year-old car, and pay it off over a shorter period.
Do you see why people get in trouble with car-buying decisions? Use the tools available to you online (at sites such as and educate yourself about the true costs of buying a new car. You'll save a lot of money.

Example: Your annual salary is $30,000 or $2,500 per month before taxes. Check your most recent tax return to deterine your federal tax bracket by dividing the total tax you paid for the year (including taxes you paid with your return, or refunds you received) by your adjusted gross income. Add your state tax bracket to this federal tax bracket to get your total tax bracket, a modest 22% in this example.

Your taxes are $550 ($2,500 salary before taxes x 22%). Your after tax income is $1,950 ($2,500 salary before taxes - $550 taxes). You can afford a maximum car payment of $292 per month ($1,950 monthly salary after taxes x 15%).

If you don't already have a car payment and you won't be making a downpayment, the maximum sticker price you can afford is $14,949 at 6.5% over 60 months.

If you made a $3,000 downpayment or trade-in, the maximum sticker price you could afford would be $17,949. You would finance the remaining $14,949, paying an additional $2,601 in interest over five years, for a total cost of $20,550 for the car (including your $3,000 downpayment).

Save Money on Air Conditioning Costs

Cut Your Cooling Costs With These Money-Saving Tips
If you have central air conditioning or a window air conditioning unit, you can cut your electric bills significantly, especially in very warm climates, by following these energy-saving cooling tips this summer.

When buying a window air conditioning unit, more is not necessarily better. Base the size of the air conditioning unit on the size of the room, the other factors that affect the temperature in the room, such as how many windows it has and whether it faces south, north, etc. An air conditioning unit that is too big for the room will work harder and cost you more.

When you're shopping for a central air conditioning system, make sure the SEER number (seasonal energy efficiency ratio) is 13 or better (14 in warmer climates). A less efficient system will cost you more to run.
Look for an EER (energy efficiency ratio) of 11 or higher for room air conditioners. A high efficiency unit costs more, but if you live in a hot climate, it will pay for itself in a few years by reducing electricity bills.

Perform regular maintenance on your air conditioning unit. Replace the filter monthly during the cooling season and have a professional service your system at the beginning of each cooling season.

A cooling system is one of the biggest energy guzzlers in your home (second only to your heating system, depending on where you live). If you have an old air conditioning system with a SEER rating of less than 8, it may be worthwhile to consider replacing it with a more energy efficient system. You should be able to recoup the cost in just a few years.

Install a programmable thermostat so you can vary the temperature according to when you're home. Set it to 78 degrees when you're home. If you'll be gone for more than a few hours, it makes sense to set the air conditioning at 85 degrees while you're gone.

Make sure your air conditioning condenser is located in a shady spot and has room to dispose of the heated air it removes from your house. Don't crowd it with shrubs or anything else.

Plant shade trees and shrubs around your house to help reduce the heat of the sun, especially on the west and south sides. This can reduce your cooling costs by up to 30%.

Close drapes on the sunny side of your house.

Install awnings on the windows on the sunny side of your house.

Sealing up air leaks in your house will reduce your air conditioning costs as well as heating costs. Caulk or seal places where utilities come into your home (plumbing, electricity, dryer vents, etc.). Fill gaps around chimneys. Weatherstrip around drafty windows and doors.

Install energy efficient ceiling fans and run them on hot days. If it's just a little too warm for comfort, use the ceiling fan without air conditioning. If it's hot enough to require air conditioning, using the ceiling fans at the same time allows you to raise the temperature setting by five degrees, which will reduce your costs. Use the ceiling fan only when you're in the room, because running the fan doesn't actually lower the temperature. The moving air increases the amount of evaporation from your skin and helps cool you off.

The darker the color of your house, the more heat it will absorb, so if you're building, buying, or considering repainting, choose lighter colors for the exterior.

Thirty percent of the heat in your house is absorbed through the roof. Make sure your attic is properly ventilated. Vents in the eaves allows cooler air to enter. A ridge vent or an attic fan can significantly reduce your cooling costs.

Consider putting reflective window tint on your windows to reduce the amount of heat absorbed.

Any heat that's generated inside your home has to be removed by your cooling system, so avoid generating heat inside your home whenever possible. Cook on your outdoor grill as often as possible, or use a crockpot and the microwave oven. Use the 'air dry' setting on your dishwasher.

Close off rooms that you aren't using and the cooling ducts to those rooms.

Make sure the cooled air coming from your air conditioning vents is not obstructed by furniture or draperies.

Turn off lights when not in use. Lights produce heat, which makes your air conditioning system work harder (and cost more).

Your computer and other home office equipment also generate heat. Turn them off when not in use

Ten Tips for Late Starters To Boost Their Retirement Savings

In Your 40s or 50s With Little or No Retirement Savings?
If you're one of millions of Americans who are on the other side of 40 and don't yet have a substantial retirement nest egg, don't despair. It's not too late, but time is of the essence.

Estimate roughly how much money you'll need to live on in retirement. Don't get bogged down by conflicting advice on how to calculate the amount. A ballpark figure is a good starting place, and you can use one of a number of good online retirement calculators to get an estimate.

Once you have an idea of how much you'll need for retirement, calculate what will be available from sources other than your savings. For example, what is your expected Social Security benefit at retirement age? Do you or your spouse have a pension from a previous or current employer? If you have a 401(k) plan, what is its expected value at your planned retirement age? Use a conservative rate of growth to avoid overestimating.

Set goals for reaching the amount you'll need to make up the difference between Social Security, pensions, and any other retirement funds you already have.

If your employer has a 401(k) or 403(b) or other voluntary contribution retirement plan, and you're not already participating, sign up today and try to contribute the maximum allowed by law.
Remember that the tax savings on your deductions will soften the blow. If you're in a combined federal and state income tax bracket of 35%, your contributions will only cost you 65 cents for every dollar you put into your account.
The maximum contribution for 2006 is $15,000 for those under 50 years old and $20,000 for those over 50. If you're currently 45, you have 21 years until retirement. Your $15,000 a year contribution will grow to nearly three quarters of a million dollars (pre-tax) in 21 years at a seven percent rate of return. (This is a very rough estimation that depends on if you contribute the "catch-up" amounts each year and other unknown factors.)

If your employer matches a percentage of your contribution, that's free money you should never pass up. Add your employer match to your own retirement contributions and you'll have a tidy additional sum of approximately $364,000, assuming a 50% employer match, for a total of well over one million dollars.

Go for the Roth. If you make under the income thresholds, you can contribute to a Roth IRA in addition to your 401(k) or 403(b) plan. The contribution is not tax deductible, but the earnings will be tax-free in retirement. The maximum contribution for a Roth IRA in 2006 if you're under 50 years old is $4,000 ($5,000 if you're over 50). $4,000 a year will grow to nearly $208,000 in 21 years at a 7% rate of return, and you will owe no taxes on any earnings in your Roth IRA.

Don't Be Too Conservative. Even at 45 or 50 years old, you have several decades for your retirement earnings to grow, so invest a large percentage in carefully researched, proven stocks, or better yet, mutual funds.

Consider relocating or downsizing. If you live in an area with a high cost of living, moving to a less expensive area and investing your savings for retirement could make a big difference in your ability to amass a nice nest egg.
If your kids have left the nest and you're still living in a big house that has appreciated in value, consider selling it and buying a smaller, less expensive home. You'll save not only on your mortgage payment, but in less obvious places like the cost of heating, cooling, insuring, and repairing your home, property taxes, etc. You can sock all the savings away for retirement or use some of them to enjoy your life now.

If you're worried about ever being able to amass enough money to retire, consider taking on a second job and investing your earnings.

Play catchup. The tax laws now allow those over 50 to contribute a little extra to 401(k)-type retirement plans and IRAs, so they can do a little catching up as they near retirement age. Take advantage of this if you're over 50.

Get out of debt. If you carry thousands of dollars of credit card balances and pay the minimum payments each month, your potential retirement savings is going directly to your credit card company in the form of interest. Paying only the minimum payment on credit cards is one of the worst financial mistakes you can make. Start applying as much as possible to your credit card balances and once they're paid off, resolve to pay the balance in full each month. You'll be amazed at how much money it frees up for retirement savings over time.
The older you are when you start seriously saving for retirement, the harder you'll have to work at it, but it can be done by following the advice above, so don't let doubt or discouragement keep you from starting right away, regardless of your age.

When Buying a Used Car, Beware of Cars Damaged by Hurricanes or Other Storms

How To Tell If a Car Has Been In a Flood
If you're in the market for a used car this year, beware flood-damaged cars that have been declared a total loss by insurance companies following flooding caused by Hurricanes or other storms.
Experts estimate that as many as half a million cars submerged in the toxic waters around New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina alone were "totaled" by insurance companies and then sold at auction. Add to this number the cars damaged in the more recent flooding all over the country, and you have a lot of cars that have been cleaned up by salvage operators and dealers and resold to hide the fact that the cars have been damaged in a flood. Many of these cars are shipped far from the original flooded area, so don't assume a car you're looking at couldn't be a flooded car just because you don't live near a recently flooded area.

Be especially cautious if the sales price seems like a real bargain.
Potential problems with flooded cars include:

Electrical system failure
Transmission failure
Anti-lock brake system failure
Airbag failure
Mold and musty smell
To avoid being a victim, follow this advice:

Have the car thoroughly checked out by a trusted mechanic.

Run a search on to obtain a history of the car you're considering purchasing. Some car sellers will pay for a Carfax report, but if not, you can do it yourself. All you need is the vehicle's 17-digit Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), which you can find on the dashboard. The cost is $19.99 for one car or $24.99 for unlimited reports.

Inspect the trunk, glove compartment, dashboard, and below the seats for sand, mud, rust, or other signs of water damage. Look for water marks around the engine, on the floor, and behind the dashboard.

Check the upholstery and carpeting closely, looking for discoloration, fading, or staining that could indicate water damage. Be suspicious of carpeting or upholstery that doesn't match the interior or doesn't fit properly, indicating that it may have been replaced.

Thoroughly test all warning lights, gauges, interior and exterior lights, windshield wipers, turn signals, radio, heating and air conditioning to make sure all are operational.

Sniff around the interior of the car to check for damp or musty odors caused by mildew.
Taking these precautions before buying a used car could save you many headaches and a lot of money.

New Bankruptcy Law May Make It Harder for Some People to Erase Their Debts

Major Changes of the New Law
If you're thinking of filing for bankruptcy, it may be harder to erase your debts than you think. The Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005 made big changes to bankruptcy law, making it more difficult for some people to erase debts by filing for bankruptcy. These changes were prompted by years of complaints by banks and other financial services companies who believe that the banktuptcy laws have been abused by gamblers, compulsive shoppers, and others.
Opponents of the new law claim that the changes will fall hardest on low-income families, single mothers, minorities, and the elderly, and will take away the protection that was once available for those with unmanageable debt burdens due to job loss or medical bills.

Some of the features of the new law include:

Your income must be below the median income for families the size of yours in your state or you'll be required to go through a bankruptcy means test to see if you qualify for debt forgiveness (Chapter 7).
If the court believes that you have $100 or more per month in disposable income that you could apply towards your debt repayment after allowances for child support, food, housing,and related expenses, you'll be pushed into a repayment plan under Chapter 13, which requires repayment of some debts, instead of qualifying for Chapter 7, where most debts are forgiven.

There's also less flexibility in determining what's reasonable for housing and food allowances. IRS guidelines will be used, which are approximately $200 a month for food and less than $800 a month for housing and utilities. Active duty military, low-income veterans, and people with serious medical conditions can receive special treatment under the new income test.

Under the new bankrutpcy law, you must take credit counseling courses within 180 days of filing for bankruptcy.

The new bankrutpcy law makes child support a priority over other debts.

The state you live in allows you to protect part of the equity of your home from creditors. The new bankruptcy law overrules the unlimited homestead exemptions in some states that allow rich people to file for bankruptcy while keeping their mansions. Under the new law, if you bought your house less than three years and four months before filing for banktuptcy, the exemption for your house is limited to $125,000 regardless of your state's law.

Credit card billing statements now must include information on how long it would take to pay off your credit card balance at a certain interest rate if you make only the minimum payments.
The new bankruptcy law also includes changes affecting businesses who file for bankruptcy.

What You Need To Know Before You Can Get Out of Debt

To get out of debt, you need to :

Assess your financial situation
Understand the basics of how credit works
Get help when you need it
Budget and cut costs
Avoid credit and debt mistakes

1000 Best Smart Money Secrets for Students

New Book by Financial Planning Guide Debby Fowles
In 2003 my first book "Everything Personal Finance in Your 20s and 30s" was published. I now have a second book, "1000 Best Smart Money Secrets for Students," a personal finance guide for college students with advice on how to find money, save money, and make money.
Topics covered in the book include:

Making money while still in school
Maximizing your eligibility for financial aid
Avoiding credit card debt
Managing student loans
Reducing the costs of your college education
Controlling spending painlessly
Finding student discounts
Having fun without a lot of money
Tips for graduate students and non-traditional students
The easy-to-read format of the book allows you to read from cover-to-cover or read tips randomly.

Save Money on Bank Fees

Cut Your Banking Costs by Hundreds of Dollars
You probably don't give much thought to the cost of banking: monthly checking account fees, ATM fees, bounced-check fees, etc., but if you can shave banking expenses, you can save money and put it in your own pocket. Remember: it's easier to find lots of ways to save a little money than it is to earn more income, and lots of little savings add up.
Save Money on Your Checking Account

If you're paying for the use of your own money by paying fees to maintain a checking account, look for a bank with no-fee checking. Many banks offer no-fee checking if you keep a minimum balance in a savings account or maintain a minimum combined balance in your savings and checking accounts.

Get information from several banks and choose the one that best fits your habits. If you always dip below the minimum balance, it does no good to have "free" checking, since you'll incur a fee if your balance goes below the minimum.
Potential Money Savings: $96-120/yr.

Buy your checks through a discounter such as Checks Unlimited (; Checks in the Mail (, or CheckWorks ( Discounters charge around $6.00 to $8.00 for 200 checks, as opposed to the $20 to $25 your bank charges. Potential Money Savings: $15-38/yr.

Balance your checkbook every month and do not bounce checks. Typical fees for a check written against insufficient funds range from $20 to $35. If more checks clear before you're aware of the problem, you can easily bounce two or three additional checks for a total cost of $100 or more. Potential Money Savings: $100 or more/yr.

If you keep a significant balance in an interest-bearing account, keep it in a bank that uses the average daily balance method for calculating your minimum balance and interest. You're much less likely to be charged a fee if you dip below the minimum balance during the month (as long as your average daily balance for the entire month is not below the minimum), plus you earn interest on all your money. Other methods of calculating interest can cost you hundreds of dollars a year in interest that would have been credited to your account under the average daily balance method. Potential Money Savings: $100-300/yr.
Save Money on ATM Fees

Move your checking account to a bank that has a large ATM network with branches near your home and work. Potential Money Savings: see below.

Use only Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) that don't charge fees. If you withdraw $20 from an ATM and are charged $1.50 by the ATM owner, you have in effect paid a 7 1/2 % surcharge for access to your own money. Your bank may also charge you an out-of-network transaction fee, doubling the actual cost to you. Potential Money Savings: $78-156 or more/yr.

Save Money on Your Credit Cards

Cut Your Credit Card Costs
You can easily save thousands of dollars a year with very little effort by following even a few of the cost-saving measures in the "Save Money" series. The more cost-saving measures you adopt, the more money you'll save. See the links on the right for more ways to save money.

If you're paying more than 12% interest on your VISA or Mastercard, you're paying too much. With the prime interest rate in the single digits, lenders that charge 13% to 21% interest on credit card balances are gouging you. With good credit, you should be able to find a credit card rate (as of summer of 2004) for between 9% and 12%. For a list of the lowest credit card rates, visit Potential Money Savings: $450-1000/yr.

If you can obtain a lower interest credit card, you can usually use cash advances to pay off the balance on your other credit cards and transfer this debt to the lower rate card.
Some cards charge a higher fee for transferred balances, so be sure to read the small print before applying, and make sure you can pay it off or transfer your balance again to another card before the introductory period rate expires. Potential Money Savings: $200-500/yr. (more if you have a lot of credit card debt at high interest rates).

Consider using part of your savings to pay off consumer debt, if you can do so without using all of your available cash. With banks paying less than 1% on passbook savings, and credit card debt carrying 10% to 21% interest charges, you could come out way ahead. Be careful to leave yourself enough savings or borrowing power to fall back on in case of an emergency. Potential Money Savings: $200-500/yr.

If you don't have enough savings to pay off your consumer debt, consider a home equity loan. Interest rates on home equity loans are much lower than most credit cards, so you win in two ways: (1) you slash your interest costs, say from 16% on the credit card to 6 or 7% on the home equity loan, and (2) you can deduct the home equity loan interest from your taxable income. Be cautious, though. Remember you're putting your home at risk. Potential Money Savings: $1,000 - $2000 yr.

Look for no fee credit cards (be sure to consider all the other factors such as grace period, interest rate, etc., as well). Even if you are charged an annual fee, you can may be able to get the fee waived by calling your bank and asking them to remove it. Potential Money Savings: $25-50/yr.

Whenever possible, avoid finance charges on credit cards, especially cards with high interest rates. If you pay down your credit card balance by just $500 you can save $100 a year in interest charges. Potential Money Savings: $100-1,000/yr.

If you have a balance on more than one credit card, use this money-saving strategy, which I call the Credit Crunch: Pay the most you can afford each month on the card with the highest interest rate, and make the minimum payment on the others. Once the card with the highest interest rate is paid off, begin paying as much as possible each month on the card with the next highest interest rate, and so on. Potential Money Savings: varies

Save Money on Your Home Expenses

Cut Mortgage, Utilities, and Other Home-Related Costs
You can easily save thousands of dollars a year with very little effort by following even a few of the cost-saving measures in the "Save Money" series. The more money-saving measures you adopt, the more money you'll save. Potential savings will vary, depending on your personal situation. See the links to the right for more money-saving ideas.

Save Money On Your Mortgage

Consider refinancing your mortgage. For every $10,000 of your mortgage loan, 1/2 % difference in the interest rate saves you over $40/year or $3.40/month in interest expense. A $100,000 loan at 9 1/2% refinanced at 7 1/2% saves $142/month or $1,704/year, for a total of $50,991 over the life of a 30-year mortgage. Potential Money Savings: $1,700/yr.

For even more dramatic long-term savings, consider a 15-year mortgage rather than a 30-year mortgage.
A $100,000 mortgage at 9 1/2% over 15 years saves $114,747 over the life of the loan compared to a 30-year mortgage at the same interest rate. At 7 1/2%, the savings between a 30-year and 15-year mortgage of $100,000 would be $84,854. A 9% loan of $100,000, refinanced for 15 years at 7 1/2% would add $86/month to your payment but would save you a whopping $135,845 over the life of the loan. Potential Money Savings: $84,000-136,000

You can achieve similar results by paying an extra principal payment on your 30-year loan each month. (In the early years of a loan, the principal portion of your payment is very small. On a 30-year $100,000 loan at 7 1/2%, the monthly principal payment in the first several years is approximately $75 to $85/month).Potential Money Savings: $85,000-136,000.

Still another way to achieve these results is to pay one half of your monthly mortgage every two weeks. Potential Money Savings: $85,000-136,000.

Save Money On Utilities - Electricity

Install the new type of fluorescent bulbs in lights you leave on for long periods. They provide four times as much light and last ten times longer than incandescent bulbs. Potential Money Savings: $10-$50/yr.

Lower the temperature on your hot water heater to between 110 and 120 degrees. It's not necessary to have it any hotter and wastes energy. Potential Money Savings: $20-40/yr.

Find out if your utility company offers free energy audits, where they inspect your home for energy effectiveness and recommend inexpensive ways to cut energy costs, such as insulating hot water heaters, weather-stripping, etc. Just insulating your hot water heater could save you $25 a year. Potential Money Savings: $50/yr.

Set thermostats no higher than 68 degrees in winter and no lower than 78 degrees in summer. Turn your heat down even further at night or when you're not home (unless you have a heat pump, which operates more efficiently at one consistent setting). Each extra degree in winter can increase heating costs by 3%. In summer, each degree can raise cooling costs by 6%. Potential Money Savings: $325 to $500/yr.

Cut back on the use of your clothes dryer. Not only is it a big energy drain, it can also suck heated air out of your house very quickly in winter. Hang clothes on a clothes rack to dry and use the dryer for towels and other heavy items. Potential Money Savings: $25-50/yr.

Use your microwave instead of your oven whenever possible and save up to 50% in energy costs for cooking. Potential Savings: $50/yr.

Save Money on Air Conditioning Costs

Cut Your Cooling Costs With These Money-Saving Tips
If you have central air conditioning or a window air conditioning unit, you can cut your electric bills significantly, especially in very warm climates, by following these energy-saving cooling tips this summer.

When buying a window air conditioning unit, more is not necessarily better. Base the size of the air conditioning unit on the size of the room, the other factors that affect the temperature in the room, such as how many windows it has and whether it faces south, north, etc. An air conditioning unit that is too big for the room will work harder and cost you more.

When you're shopping for a central air conditioning system, make sure the SEER number (seasonal energy efficiency ratio) is 13 or better (14 in warmer climates). A less efficient system will cost you more to run.
Look for an EER (energy efficiency ratio) of 11 or higher for room air conditioners. A high efficiency unit costs more, but if you live in a hot climate, it will pay for itself in a few years by reducing electricity bills.

Perform regular maintenance on your air conditioning unit. Replace the filter monthly during the cooling season and have a professional service your system at the beginning of each cooling season.

A cooling system is one of the biggest energy guzzlers in your home (second only to your heating system, depending on where you live). If you have an old air conditioning system with a SEER rating of less than 8, it may be worthwhile to consider replacing it with a more energy efficient system. You should be able to recoup the cost in just a few years.

Install a programmable thermostat so you can vary the temperature according to when you're home. Set it to 78 degrees when you're home. If you'll be gone for more than a few hours, it makes sense to set the air conditioning at 85 degrees while you're gone.

Make sure your air conditioning condenser is located in a shady spot and has room to dispose of the heated air it removes from your house. Don't crowd it with shrubs or anything else.

Plant shade trees and shrubs around your house to help reduce the heat of the sun, especially on the west and south sides. This can reduce your cooling costs by up to 30%.

Close drapes on the sunny side of your house.

Install awnings on the windows on the sunny side of your house.

Sealing up air leaks in your house will reduce your air conditioning costs as well as heating costs. Caulk or seal places where utilities come into your home (plumbing, electricity, dryer vents, etc.). Fill gaps around chimneys. Weatherstrip around drafty windows and doors.

Install energy efficient ceiling fans and run them on hot days. If it's just a little too warm for comfort, use the ceiling fan without air conditioning. If it's hot enough to require air conditioning, using the ceiling fans at the same time allows you to raise the temperature setting by five degrees, which will reduce your costs. Use the ceiling fan only when you're in the room, because running the fan doesn't actually lower the temperature. The moving air increases the amount of evaporation from your skin and helps cool you off.

The darker the color of your house, the more heat it will absorb, so if you're building, buying, or considering repainting, choose lighter colors for the exterior.

Thirty percent of the heat in your house is absorbed through the roof. Make sure your attic is properly ventilated. Vents in the eaves allows cooler air to enter. A ridge vent or an attic fan can significantly reduce your cooling costs.

Consider putting reflective window tint on your windows to reduce the amount of heat absorbed.

Any heat that's generated inside your home has to be removed by your cooling system, so avoid generating heat inside your home whenever possible. Cook on your outdoor grill as often as possible, or use a crockpot and the microwave oven. Use the 'air dry' setting on your dishwasher.

Close off rooms that you aren't using and the cooling ducts to those rooms.

Make sure the cooled air coming from your air conditioning vents is not obstructed by furniture or draperies.

Turn off lights when not in use. Lights produce heat, which makes your air conditioning system work harder (and cost more).

Your computer and other home office equipment also generate heat. Turn them off when not in use.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Practical Ways to Limit Your Child's Television Viewing Time

If your child is watching more than two hours of television per day, you'll want to spend some time working on a plan to reduce his or her screen time. Here are some suggestions:
Don't use the TV as background noise. Only have it on if someone is sitting down watching a specific program.
Use the sleep feature on your television to force the TV to shut itself off after thirty minutes.
Allow your child to choose specific programs. Wait until the selected show is on to turn on the TV.
If you have TiVo or a DVR, record a few of your child's favorite shows and allow him or her to view them at specific times during the week. Once they've been watched, delete them from the recording device.
Avoid using TV for winding down. Instead, read a book together or allow your child to listen to an audio book.
Provide a TV viewing chart for your children, and teach them to plan out the shows they'd like to watch during the week.

Top 10 Reasons to Turn Off Your TV

Turning off your television will gain you, on average, about 4 hours per day. Imagine if you took that time to exercise, give your brain a workout and develop strong relationships. Not only would you be adding years to your life, you would become more interesting, energetic, and fun. So take the plunge and try not watching TV for a week. At first it will be strange and awkward, but stick with it and soon you will love all the extra time.

1. Television Eats Your TimeThe average U.S. adult watches more than 4 hours of television a day. That's 25 percent of waking time spent every day. Imagine if you suddenly had 25 percent more time -- that's three extra months per year! You could get in all your exercise, cook your meals from scratch and still have time left over to write a novel.
Over a lifetime, an 80-year-old person would have watched 116,800 hours of television, compared to only 98,000 hours of work. As a nation, adults watch 880 million hours of television every day or 321 billion hours per year. Whew! Imagine what could get done if we all just stopped watching TV.

2. Television Makes You StressedWith the average of four hours a day gone, it's no wonder everyone is feeling stressed out and overwhelmed. We put aside paying bills, finishing projects, making phone calls and cleaning our homes to watch TV. We feel overwhelmed because of all the things we should be doing (exercising, spending time with family, eating right) go undone.
And when we feel overwhelmed, tired, and exhausted we don't have energy to anything but -- you guessed it -- watch TV. It is a dreadful cycle. So take a break from TV for a week and see what happens to your life.
3. Television Makes You OverweightEating while distracted limits your ability to assess how much you have consumed. According to Eliot Blass at the University of Massachusetts, people eat between 31 and 74 percent more calories while watching TV.
This could add, on average, about 300 calories extra per TV meal. Now consider that at least 40 percent of families watch TV while eating dinner. It becomes clear that TV is a big part of the obesity epidemic in the U.S. and that TV, in fact, makes you gain weight.
4. Television Makes You UninterestingMany people have whole conversations that are recaps of TV programs, sporting events and sitcoms. When asked about their real lives, there is little or nothing to report and no stories to tell (except the TV shows they have watched).
Life is too interesting and wonderful to spend your time either watching TV or recapping television to your friends. Find something interesting to do: volunteer, read, paint -- anything but watch more TV.
5. Television Ruins Your RelationshipsA television is turned on an average of 7 hours and 40 minutes per day in many U.S. households. With the TV on that much, there is little time for you and your significant other or children to spend time together, share experiences, and develop deeper relationships.
Sitting together and watching TV does not grow a relationship. Turn that TV off and find somethi
6. Television is Not RelaxationTV is the opposite of exercise. If you are watching TV you are usually sitting, reclining or lying down. You are burning as few calories as possible. All that extra food you eat while watching TV does not get burned off. Your brain goes into a lull.
But you are not relaxing -- your mind is still receiving stimuli from the TV, you are processing information and reacting emotionally. Have you ever found yourself thinking about TV characters? Do you ever dream about TV shows? These are signs that the brain is working hard to process all the TV you have been watching.
to do together -- cooking, exercising, taking a walk, anything.

7. Television Loses OpportunitiesIf you are sitting and watching TV, nothing new or exciting is going to happen to you. New opportunities and ideas come from being out in the world, talking to people, and reading interesting things.
Watching TV isolates you. Nothing is going to change in your world if you are watching TV. Turn off the TV, go out into the world, talk to people, and see what happens.

8. Television is AddictiveTelevision can become addictive. Signs of TV addiction include:
using the TV to calm down
not being able to control your viewing
feeling angry or disappointed in how much TV you watched
feeling on edge if kept from watching
feeling a loss of control while watching
If the idea of giving up TV for a week is horrifying, you may be addicted to television. Luckily, TV addiction is a habit and not a physical addiction like smoking. You should be able to control it once you are aware of the problem and make a decision to change.

9. Television Makes You Buy ThingsBy age 65, the average American has seen 2 million commercials. Your knowledge of products and brands comes from these TV commercials. Your perception of what you need also comes from these commercials.
If you didn't know that your iPod could talk to your running shoes, you wouldn't feel like your current shoes are too low-tech. If you didn't know about vacuums that never lose suction, your current vacuum would seem fine. Our perception of need is determined by what we see. Need less by watching less TV.
10. Television Costs MoneyA basic cable package costs $43 per month and many packages cost much more than that. That comes to at least $500 a year spent on TV. For that much money you could: buy a membership to every museum or zoo in your town, get a gym membership, buy a nice bicycle, invest it every year for 10 years at 10 percent interest and have more than $10,000.

10 Ways to Help Kids Develop Healthy TV Viewing Habits

Preview movies and TV shows before your children watch them. Watch the show or read reviews/ratings to verify that the show meets your standards for content and value.
Watch TV with your kids when you can. Co-viewing allows you to discuss the show with them, and if something inappropriate is shown or said, you can point out that it is something that doesn’t meet your family’s standards. Set time limits. Limiting children’s viewing time can be difficult, but being consistent with the rules can help avoid a conflict. Establish TV rules around your family schedule. For example, make a rule that homework and chores must be done before watching TV. Be aware of commercials. Discuss the concept of commercials and the goal of advertising with your kids. Young children sometimes have trouble distinguishing between shows and commercials. Limit eating while watching TV. Research has indicated possible links between eating while watcing tv and childhood obesity. Use Parental Control Tools. Technology such as V-chips, blocks and filters can help you monitor what your children are watching. TIVO and other recording devices can also come in handy to record, block, or allow you to fast forward through commercials. Plan other family activities. Engage children in fun activities that do not center on the television. Set a good example. Make it a game. Employ a “three strikes” your out rule. Younger children will especially like yelling “Strike One!” when something happens on the TV that doesn’t meet your family’s standards. After three strikes, the channel is changed. Another idea for making good TV habits a game include working on a project, like housecleaning, during commercials and challenging everyone to go as fast as they can. Or, exercise on a mini tramp or tread mill during the show.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Head Injury in Children

Children hit their heads frequently. Most of the time, the injury is minor, usually involving only the scalp, and nothing needs to be done. Sometimes, the injury is more serious, involving the skull and/or brain inside, and medical attention is required.
Answering the questions below will help you understand the difference between minor and serious head injuries and will help you decide what to do if your child has a head injury.

Fever in Infants

Fever is very common in children under 12 months of age, and is usually a sign that the body is fighting an infection.
The normal body temperature is 98.6F, or 37C. Doctors generally say that there is a fever when the temperature is 100.4F (38C) or higher.
The best way to take an infant's temperature is rectally with a digital thermometer (never use a glass mercury thermometer). Taking the temperature under the arm, or using an ear thermometer, is less exact.
If your baby has a fever, this guide can help you think about what might be causing it and help you decide if and when you should call the doctor. Please note that this is not meant to take the place of calling or visiting your doctor. If your child has a chronic illness such as sickle cell anemia, or is being treated for any serious illness, you should not use this guide but instead call your doctor immediately.

Fever in Children

Fevers are very common in children. They are usually a sign that the body is trying to fight an infection.
The normal temperature of the body is 98.6F, or 37C. Your child's temperature may vary during the day and may increase a little when he's bundled up or very active. Generally, doctors say that there is a fever when the temperature is greater than or equal to 100.4F, or 38C.
Use a digital thermometer to take your child's temperature; never use a glass mercury thermometer. Most children aged three years and older can hold a thermometer under their tongue. If your child is younger than that, or you're having difficulty with the oral method, talk to your doctor about the best way to take his temperature.
Use this guide if your child is over a year old. If he or she is younger than 12 months of age, visit our Fever in Infants guide.
The guide is designed to help you understand what may be the cause of your child's fever and the actions you should consider. Remember -- this guide is not meant to take the place of a call to or visit with your doctor. If your child has a chronic medical problem, such as sickle cell anemia, or is being treated for cancer or any other serious disease, you should absolutely call the doctor rather than using this guide.

10 Tips for Handling Guilt

1. I somehow caused this problem!We know that autism can't be caused by a lack of love. But was it that tuna you ate when you were pregnant? The vaccines you allowed your pediatrician to give your child? Since we don't know what causes autism, it can be easy to decide it was your fault. Chances are, though, that genetics -- something you can't control -- plays a significant role!
2. I can't leave any stones unturned!What if that new therapy you just read about was THE therapy -- the one that would have cured your child if only you'd tried it? No one wants to think they denied their child a cure for a lifelong disability. But remember that one-on-one time with a loving adult is always a plus -- and it's unlikely that that new high-tech "cure" is the next penicillin!
3. I should be spending this time on therapy!You picked up a book while your child was watching TV -- and now you feel guilty. After all, every second counts, and you should be engaging him all day long. It's a nice idea, but even superparent can't be on call for their child 18 hours a day and still stay sane and healthy. Remember that your health and welfare count too!
4. I should be spending this money on therapy!You broke down and bought that new jacket -- and now you wonder why you didn't spend the money on therapy...autism books...learning toys...or something else for your autistic child. But your child is only one member of your family. You worked hard for your money, and your child will never miss that one extra session of therapy!
5. I should be making time for my other kids and my spouse!If you're the primary caregiver for a child with autism, you may be too overwhelmed to give other family members the time and attention they crave. While it really is important to make time for others in your life, it's also ok to ask for a few minutes to regroup...take a walk...or otherwise clear your mind. Your kids and spouse deserve your focussed attention -- something that's tough to give when you're still in "therapy mode!"
6. Other people do more for their autistic child!And other people are thinner, fitter, richer and have bigger homes too! Comparing yourself to other families can be helpful if those others offer support and ideas -- but it can be destructive if it leads to a constant sense of guilt. Remember: you may not know your neighbors financial or personal resources, which may be much greater than yours.
7. I should be pushing for more (fill in the blank) for my autistic child!Depending upon what you read or who you listen to, you'll hear conflicting advice about what your child needs. More inclusion or less inclusion; more or different therapies; more or different activities, play dates, and so on forever. But even a typically developing child can get overwhelmed -- and an autistic child needs fewer transitions, less intensity and more structure than most. Maybe you do, too...!
8. I should be learning more about autism!There's always more to learn. And if you live in a metropolitan area, there are always seminars, support groups and events to attend. But there's more to life than autism -- and it might make sense, just for once, to hire a sitter and go to the movies with your "significant other!"
9. I should be working faster!Publicity about the importance of early intervention has caused a panic among parents. The suggestion is that there's a window of opportunity early in life -- and that that window closes sometime around age three. The truth is, though, that kids (and even adults) continue to develop and grow. While early intervention is important, it's not the only key to your child's ongoing success!
10. I should give up more for my child!It's true that some families give up everything for their autistic child. They mortgage their homes, give up their careers, and end any "extras" to pay for therapies. This is, of course, a valid choice. But not every autistic child needs such a high level of commitment to thrive and grow. Your decision needs to take into account not only your


Assalammualaikum......and selamat pagi....... hayatila,fikirkanla dan fahamilah..... Berapa ramai yang sanggup menyuapkan ibunya.... Berapa ramai yang sanggup mencuci muntah ibunya..... Berapa ramai yang sanggup mengantikan lampin ibunya.... Berapa ramai yang sanggup membersihkan najis ibunya....... Berapa ramai yang sanggup membuang ulat dan membersihkan luka kudis ibunya.... Berapa ramai yang sanggup berhenti kerja untuk menjaga ibunya..... dan akhir sekali berapa ramai yang sembahyang JENAZAH ibunya...... Seorang anak mendapatkan ibunya yang sedang sibuk menyediakan makan malam di dapur lalu menghulurkan sekeping kertas yang bertulis sesuatu. Si ibu segera mengesatkan tangan di apron menyambut kertas yang dihulurkan oleh si anak lalu membacanya. Kos upah membantu ibu: 1) Tolong pergi kedai : RM4.00 2) Tolong jaga adik : RM4.00 3) Tolong buang sampah : RM1.00 4) Tolong kemas bilik : RM2.00 5) Tolong siram bunga : RM3.00 6) Tolong sapu sampah : RM3.00 Jumlah : RM17.00Selesai membaca, si ibu tersenyum memandang si anak sambil sesuatu berlegar-legar si mindanya. Si ibu mencapai sebatang pen dan menulis sesuatu di belakang kertas yang sama.
1) Kos mengandungkanmu selama 9 bulan - PERCUMA2) Kos berjaga malam kerana menjagamu - PERCUMA3) Kos air mata yang menitis keranamu - PERCUMA4) Kos kerunsingan kerana bimbangkanmu - PERCUMA5) Kos menyediakan makan minum, pakaian, dan keperluanmu -PERCUMA Jumlah Keseluruhan Nilai Kasihku - PERCUMA Air mata si anak berlinang setelah membaca apa yang dituliskan oleh si ibu. Si anak menatap wajah ibu,memeluknya dan berkata, "Saya Sayangkan Ibu". Kemudian si anak mengambil pen dan menulis "Telah Dibayar" pada mukasurat yang sama ditulisnya.
"Jika kamu menyayangi ibumu, "forward"kanlah Email ini kepada sahabat-sahabat anda.1 orang : Kamu tidak sayangkan ibumu2-4 orang : Kamu sayang ibumu5-9 orang : Bagus! Sayang jugak kamu kepada Ibumu10/lebih : Syabas!Kamu akan disayangi Ibumu

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Window Safety Checklist

Fires and falls of all kinds are among the leading causes of injury and death in young children. While some falls occur from windows, it is important to realize that in the event of a fire, a window can also save a child's life. This is why windows play a critical role in home safety. Print out this checklist and use these tips to help keep your family safer around the windows and patio doors in your home.
Has your family developed an emergency fire escape plan?
Determine your family's emergency escape plan and practice it regularly. In the plan, include two avenues of escape from every room. Remember children may have to rely on a window to escape a fire. Help them learn to safely use a window under these circumstances. Make sure you have identified a safe meeting place outside.
Do you keep windows shut when children are around?
You should keep your windows closed and locked when children are around. When opening windows for ventilation, open windows that children cannot reach. Also, set and enforce rules about keeping children's play away from windows and/or patio doors. Falling through the glass can be fatal or cause a serious injury.
Do you leave, or have you left, windows open because you thought the insect screen provided a safeguard from a fall?
Don't rely on insect screens to prevent a fall. Insect screens are designed to provide ventilation while keeping insects out; they are not designed to, nor will they prevent a child's fall from a window.
Is there furniture placed under or near windows in your home?
Keep furniture - or anything children can climb - away from windows. Children may use such objects as a climbing aid.
Do any windows in your home have guards, security bars, grilles or grates?
These windows are useless in an emergency if the devices on them do not have a functioning release mechanism. Time is critical when escaping a fire. Consult your local fire department or building code official to determine proper window guard placement.
Inspect your home's windows carefully. Are any windows in your home painted or nailed shut?
Never paint or nail windows shut. You must be able to open them to escape in an emergency.
Do you have any window unit air conditioners in bedroom windows or other windows in your home that may be needed for escape or rescue in an emergency?
Do not install window unit air conditioners in windows that may be needed for escape or rescue in an emergency. The air conditioning unit could block or impede escape through the window. Always be sure that you have at least one window in each sleeping and living area that meets escape and rescue requirements.
Did you know that strategic landscaping may lessen the extent of injury sustained in the event a fall does occur?
Plant shrubs and soft edging like wood chips or grass under windows to cushion potential falls. The surface can greatly affect the degree of injury sustained from a fall

5 Steps to Bone Health

5 Steps to Bone Health
1. Get your daily recommended amounts of calcium and vitamin D.
2. Engage in regular weight-bearing exercise.
3. Avoid smoking and excessive alcohol.
4. Talk to your doctor about bone health
5. Have a bone density test and take medication when appropriate.

Identifying Children with Elevated Blood-Lead Levels

Children should not be used as lead detectors. For decades, nothing was done to prevent lead poisoning until a child was finally identified as lead poisoned. Thankfully, those days are almost over. Now, there is a greater focus on fixing up the nation's older housing stock before a child is poisoned. But there are some 38 million homes that still contain lead-based paint, with about 25% of all US housing containing actual lead exposure hazards. This means that it is inevitable that many more children will continue to get exposed to lead year after year, while work on housing proceeds and public education about how to prevent childhood lead poisoning continues as well.
The health effects of exposure to lead can be devastating, both to the child with an elevated blood lead level, and to that child's family. Those health effects get worse and worse if nothing is done to eliminate the lead exposure problem. Therefore, the first essential step is to identify each and every child with a lead problem. This can only be done by getting children tested for the presence of lead in their blood.
Since we know that the peak ages of risk for lead poisoning are between 12 months and 24 months of age, these are the most important points in time in which to get children tested. Ideally, all children under the age of six should be tested at least once. However, where resources are lacking or old housing is scarce, it may make more sense to promote a targeted approach to screening children for lead, focusing on children who are more likely to be exposed to lead, primarily because of where they live. In a 1997 guidance document, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) set out its policy recommendations for a targeted screening approach. CDC's recommendations include a specific focus on screening children who live in neighborhoods where there is a substantial percentage of housing built prior to 1950.
Other CDC recommendations include screening children who live in or regularly visit a home built prior to 1978, where recent or ongoing renovations or remodeling are occurring. Also, children who are enrolled in Medicaid are known to be at greater than average risk for lead poisoning and must be screened.
There are two acceptable methods that can be used to screen children for exposure to lead. The preferred method is taking a venous blood sample. The alternative, called the fingerstick (or capillary) method, is generally considered to be a less accurate method, and it requires special care to insure against contaminated samples. For instance, the child's fingers must be carefully cleaned prior to taking a blood sample via the fingerstick method. Also, a fingerstick that reveals a blood-lead level above 10µg/dL must be followed by a venous sample to confirm the result

Lead in Water

Drinking water can sometimes contribute to elevated blood-lead levels. The EPA has estimated that on average up to 20% of a child's total lead exposure can potentially be attributed to lead-contaminated water. While water is rarely the primary source of exposure to lead for children with elevated blood-lead levels, it is nevertheless important to note that formula-fed infants are at special risk of lead poisoning, if their formula is made with lead-contaminated water. Similarly, schools and daycare centers are particularly important places to check for lead-contaminated water, since such facilities provide water to young children all day long. Pregnant women should also take special care to avoid ingesting lead, since lead crosses the placenta and can affect the fetus.
Although there is no "safe" level of lead in water, the EPA has established an "action level" for lead in drinking water at 15 parts per billion. All drinking water that does not come from wells is treated before it reaches the service lines that direct the water to individual residences, thereby removing any lead that may be present in the water at its source. However, lead can still leach into drinking water from certain types of plumbing materials, such as lead pipes, lead solder, brass faucets and some water meter components.
Lead pipes remain in use underground—as "service lines"—in many older communities throughout the US. They can leach lead if the water running through them is corrosive, thereby contaminating the water entering the home. These service lines are the responsibility of the local water authority, which is responsible for annual sampling to ensure the lead action level is not exceeded and is also responsible for replacing old lead pipes if a significant lead problem is detected.
Inside many homes, water pipes are made of copper and are bonded together with lead solder. Because the use of lead solder was only banned in the US in 1987, millions of US homes contain lead-soldered copper pipes—and hot water can cause the lead to leach out from this solder. Accordingly, one should avoid cooking with hot water. Also, concerned consumers can "flush" standing water out of the pipes and down the drain, for at least thirty seconds to a minute, prior to using it for cooking or drinking purposes. (This "flushing" method should be applied for an even longer time period when a consumer lives in a high-rise, or whenever water has to travel through greater lengths of pipe than what one would generally find in a typical free-standing home. Also, it is important to note that if there is lead leaching out from the service lines, flushing may require several additional minutes to effectively drain the lead-contaminated water from the system.)
Brass plumbing materials, such as faucets and some water meter and well pump components, are also likely to contain some lead—in fact, as much as 8% lead. In such cases, the lead tends to leach out when the component is newly installed, rather than years later. Some water filters are very effective in keeping lead at bay. Consumers should research individual filters before buying them, to verify whether or not they are appropriate for use in minimizing exposure to lead. Consumers should also carefully follow filter manufacturer directions, to ensure filters are replaced in a timely fashion.

Health Effects on Children

Children under the age of six—and fetuses—are those at greatest risk of the health effects associated with exposure to lead. They are particularly vulnerable because at that age, their brain and central nervous system are still forming. Lead is a powerful neurotoxin that interferes with the development of these systems as well as the kidney and blood-forming organs. Exposure to lead causes a wide range of health effects, and one of the interesting things about lead is that those health effects vary from child to child.
New research published in the New England Journal of Medicine in April, 2003, indicates that children can lose IQ points at levels of lead in blood below the present official CDC level of concern of 10 micrograms per deciliter (µg/dL). More than ten years ago, the National Academy of Sciences wrote that "There is growing evidence that even very small exposures to lead can produce subtle effects in humans [.and] that future guidelines may drop below 10µg/dL as the mechanisms of lead toxicity become better understood." (Measuring Lead Exposure in Infants, Children, and Other Sensitive Populations, National Academy Press, 1993, page 3.) As it turns out, today there is widespread recognition of the fact that there is no such thing as a "safe" level of lead exposure.
Even low levels of exposure to lead can result in IQ deficits, learning disabilities, behavioral problems, stunted or slowed growth, and impaired hearing. At increasingly high levels of exposure, a child may suffer kidney damage, become mentally retarded, fall into a coma, and even die from lead poisoning. Lead poisoning has been associated with a significantly increased high-school dropout rate, as well as increases in juvenile delinquency and criminal behavior.
It is often difficult for a parent to realize on their own that their child may have too much lead in their blood. The symptoms of lead poisoning can be subtle—they are often easily confused with other, less worrisome problems. For instance, a child may exhibit symptoms similar to those associated with the flu, such as stomach aches and headaches. Other typical symptoms include irritability and loss of appetite. The bottom line is: the only way to know for sure whether or not a child has a lead-related problem is to get the child tested for lead.
Currently, there is no known effective treatment for children who have blood lead levels under 45µg/dL—the vast majority of children exposed to lead. Kids whose lead level is greater than or equal to 45µg/dL should immediately receive chelation therapy, a medical treatment that draws some of the lead out of their system.
One way to reduce the impact of lead exposure is to reduce the amount of lead that gets absorbed or retained by the child. On average, children under six will absorb/retain about 50% of the lead they ingest. That percentage can be reduced through good nutrition, including adequate levels of calcium, iron, vitamin C, and zinc. The consumption of fatty foods should be kept to a minimum, although children under the age of two actually need some fat in their diet. And a child whose stomach is empty will absorb/retain more lead than a child who has just eaten.
Similarly, pregnant women should be careful to minimize their exposure to lead, as lead crosses the placenta and adversely affects the developing fetus.

Window Safety

A child’s fall from a window is a tragic occurrence. Sadly, several such tragedies have occurred this summer across the country.
Windows, however, also play a vital role in home safety, serving as a secondary escape route in the event of a fire or other emergency. The Window Safety Task Force of the National Safety Council reminds parents that windows play a vital role in home fire safety, but they can also pose a risk of a fall in the home if other safety measures are not followed.
Recognizing the important role windows play in emergencies, legislators throughout the United States have mandated building codes requiring that specific windows be designated as points of escape. The size and placement of windows designated as points of escape in a residence are also governed by building codes. The ability to easily open windows and remove insect screens without special knowledge or tools is critical to safely escape through a window.
The comprised of members representing the NFPA, the American Architectural Manufacturers Association (AAMA), the Window & Door Manufacturers Association, the Screen Manufacturers Association, and other organizations, was formed in 1997 to promote greater awareness of window safety.


Coffee grows in dozens of countries around the world. Some varieties have earned a special reputation, often based on a combination of rarity, unusual circumstances and particularly good flavor. These coffees, from Jamaican Blue Mountain to Kona to Tanzanian Peaberry, command a premium price. But perhaps no coffee in the world is in such short supply, has such unique flavors and an, um, interesting background as Kopi Luwak. And no coffee even comes close in price: Kopi Luwak sells for $75 per quarter pound. Granted, that's substantially less than marijuana, but it's still unimaginably high for coffee.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Jewelry Buying Guide

This is our most popular non-round diamond. Its beautiful brilliance and unique cut makes it a favorite for engagement rings. The princess has pointed corners and is traditionally square in shape. When choosing a color grade, consider that while the price of a J-color non-round diamond is exceptional, color may be slightly visible in its corners. Also, princess-cut diamonds can vary greatly in how square or rectangular they are. To find the dimension of princess you want, look for the length-to-width ratio in our interactive diamond search and on each diamond's detail page. This will determine what the diamond will look like when viewing it from above. Here are length-to-width ratios for princess-cut diamond shapes that are pleasing to the eye.