Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Pearl Matching
Because pearls are natural, organic substances, no two of them are identical. Therefore, when a piece of jewelry contains more than one pearl, some effort must be taken to insure that the pearls all match in an aesthetically pleasing fashion.
"Matching" here does not mean that all of the pearls are absolutely identical -- that would be impossible! Nor does it even mean that all of the pearls in the piece are generally uniform in size, shape, and color. It basically means that the pearls "fit together" in a pleasing manner, and that variations among them are either minimal, gradual, or for a specific purpose.
For example, a long strand of pearls may have a large pearl in the center, with pearls which grow gradually smaller strung along either side. Or a strand may consist of pearls in alternating or gradually changing colors. In any of these examples, the pearls are considered well-matched if the resulting piece is uniform and consistent, rather than haphazard-looking.
In the same way, pearl earrings, bracelets, pendants, rings, etc. -- any piece which contains more than a single pearl -- are generally matched to achieve greater beauty and value. If the piece consists of contrasting colors (such as a two-pearl, black-and-white ring), the matching will take into account the size, shape, and luster of the respective pearls, even though their colors are quite different.
Pearl matching is really an art in itself. It requires a good eye, good judgment, and a great deal of time and effort to match pearls effectively. Indeed, a strand made completely from natural pearls (rather than from cultured pearls) can require years to collect a well-matched set of pearls! Clearly, good matching greatly adds to the quality and value of any piece of multi-pearl jewelry.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
History of Pearls
Pearls have been known and valued in many cultures throughout history. As far back as 2300 BC, Chinese records indicate that pearls were prized possessions of (and gifts to) royalty. Ancients Hindu texts from India also repeatedly refer to pearls, stating in one place that the god Krishna discovered the first pearl. In ancient Egypt, mother-of-pearl was used for decorative purposes as far back as 4000 BC, although the use of actual pearls did not come until much later -- perhaps the 5th century BC.
The ancient Romans valued pearls highly, especially as a symbol of wealth and prestige -- so much so that an effort was made to prohibit the wearing of pearls by those not deserving of them. Perhaps the most celebrated incident involving pearls in Roman history has to do with a banquet given by Cleopatra, the last Egyptian queen, for the Roman leader Marc Antony.
The banquet was described by the Roman historian Pliny the Elder in his book, Natural History. Although some current historians dispute the details and significance of the banquet, there is general agreement that the incident described did indeed take place.
The essence of the story is that Cleopatra wagered Antony that she could give the most expensive meal ever provided. When the only thing placed in front of her was a vessel of sour wine (i.e., vinegar), Antony wondered how she would be able to win the bet. Whereupon Cleopatra removed one of her pearl earrings -- said by Pliny to have been worth 10 million sesterces, the equivalent of thousands of pounds of gold -- and dropped it into the vinegar. The pearl dissolved in the strongly acidic solution, and Cleopatra drank it down, winning her wager.
The ancient Greeks also valued pearls, using them especially at weddings, where they were said to bring love. With many natural oyster beds lying along the Persian Gulf, the Arab peoples also placed a high value on pearls, which are described in the Koran as one of the greatest treasures provided in Paradise.
In the Western Hemisphere, too, Native Americans valued the freshwater pearls they harvested from lakes and rivers. The story is told, for example, of a Native American princess who presented Hernando de Soto with gifts of animal skins, cloth, copper, and freshwater pearls. Colonizers from Spain, France, and England all found native tribes using pearls as jewelry and for trade. Indeed, once the colonial powers discovered the sheer volume of pearls available in America's rivers, pearls became one of the chief products sent from the colonies back to Europe. Along with freshwater pearls from North American rivers, saltwater pearls were harvested from the Caribbean and along the coasts of Central and South America. All of these pearl supplies began to dry up during the 19th century, however, as a result of overfishing and the pollution caused by industrialization.
In addition to the pearls themselves, American mother-of-pearl also became a major export, both from the North American colonies and, later, from the United States. A primary use of mother-of-pearl was to make shiny, iridescent buttons, of which billions were exported all over the world (mainly from Iowa) all the way up until the mid-20th century, when the invention of plastic quickly replaced mother-of-pearl for this use.
In the late 1800s and early 1900s, the history of pearls reached a major turning point. At that time, a number of Japanese researchers discovered independently the techniques which could be used to cause oysters to create pearls essentially "on demand." The man who finally combined the various technical processes with business acumen and worldwide marketing know-how was Kokichi Mikimoto, the son of a restauranteur. Today, Mikimoto is credited with having created almost single-handedly the worldwide cultured pearl industry.
The effect on the pearl industry of the discovery of pearl culturing combined with Mikimoto's marketing enthusiasm cannot be understated. Within a span of less than 50 years at the beginning of the 20th century, thousands of years of pearl history were rewritten. Pearls -- historically the exclusive possessions of royalty and aristocracy -- became available to virtually anyone on the planet. Rather than pearl divers hunting, often in vain, for the elusive, naturally formed pearls, pearl farmers could now cultivate thousands upon thousands of pearls in virtually the same way as a wheat or corn farmer grows his own crop. And pearl lovers throughout the world could reap the benefits.
Pearl World
Pearl World - The PublicationDevoted to covering the pearl industry, Pearl World: The International Pearling Journal, is the only English language publication of its kind. For 16 years the journal has covered every aspect of the pearling industry, from harvests, production, auctions, wholesaling, and education, to retail designing end consumer marketing.The journal is published solely for those interested in pearls, worldwide. Subscribers include producers and processors, exporters and importers, wholesalers and retailers, appraisers and even consumers. Each issue covers the recent events that are continuously shaping and reshaping the industry, and that produce the forces that affect the changing values of the primary market commodities. The Research Pearl World correspondents cover the globe to take readers behind the scenes to find out what's really happening in the industry, with the purpose of presenting pearl news clearly, concisely, accurately, and (most importantly) unbiased. Each issue contains a wealth of vital information: updated statistics, recent market developments, reports on auctions, interviews and opinions with and from industry leaders, results of trade fairs and exhibits, new products and processes, the language and history of pearling, design contests, inspection and export formalities, market trends, and more. Whatever is happening in the pearling industry, wherever it takes place, Pearl World is there! Subscription RatesThe journal is published and shipped quarterly.
$130 for annual domestic subscription
$140 for annual Canada/Mexico subscription
$150 for annual International subscription
$10 per requested back issue
$125 for annual PDF Delivery- PDF recipients receive the one free issue per annual subscription
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
How to Buy Pearls
Nacre Thickness of Pearls
Nacre is the coating that the oyster forms around pearls. Nacre thickness is determined by the length of time the pearl grows in the oyster. Thin nacre won't hold up well over the years while pearls with 0.4mm nacre thickness can last a lifetime. Nacre thickness can be accurately determined through x-rays. However, a gemologist can also gauge thickness by looking at the pearl drill holes and to see where the nucleus and nacre layers meet.
Luster of Pearls
Luster is perhaps the most important factor in considering a pearl’s value. High luster is the product of a thick nacre. High luster produces a mirror-like reflection on the surface of pearls. Avoid cultured pearls that look dull.
Surface of Pearls
The surface of a cultured pearl should be relatively clean. Since cultured pearls are grown inside an oyster, it's very rare to find a perfectly flawless pearl. But the fewer the blemishes, the greater the value of the pearl.
Color of Pearls
Basic body colors include white, cream, golden, gray, black, blue, green and pink. Overtone is one or two colors that overlie the body color. Overtone colors include pink, silver, and green. Color is a preference, often based upon geographical location or an individual’s skin tones.
Size of Pearls
Some people like small and delicate cultured pearls, from 3.0 mm to 5.0 mm, while others like larger pearls, 6mm and up. Size does affect price; usually the larger the pearl, the more valuable it is.
Shape of Pearls
There are a number of different shapes: round, baroque, button, tear drop, and semi-round. For many wearers, roundness in cultured pearls equals perfection, and it is most desirable.
Matching of Pearls
Matching refers to: size, color, shape, luster, nacre and surface quality. Matching applies to pair of pearls and strand of pearls. AAA grade pearls are excellent to very good matching. AA grade pearls are good matching. A grade Akoya pearls are medium matching. All of our pearl jewelry have good to excellent matching.
Pearl Quality

Pearl Quality
3 Tips For Finding Wholesale Products
Secondly, do a search on google and other search engines for "your product name wholesale" or "wholesale your product name". In addition, you could use the broad or narrowed niche name in replacement for "your product name above" to find some additional suppliers in your niche to see if they have your product. After going through the top search results and digging down into the 2nd and 3rd pages to find the lowest prices, write these down for reference.Lastly, find some of the bigger named stores that sell your product in your niche and find their website on the internet. Often times, they will hold sales for online purchases and offer free shipping and handling on internet purchases. These won't be advertised in store as they are only internet promotions. Sometimes you can find great deals here that may only last for a while, but if its a product you know (since you have done your research previously) and is a great bargain, you can easily capitalize and stock up now in order to sell later.These steps and techniques are easy to do and if you want to sell products online for extra cash or for a living you will need them to help your business thrive. Now I mentioned I would briefly discuss wholesale lists so here it is. "Do not buy any of these lists on ebay". I say this because you have no way of knowing how old these lists are. If you truly think you need to buy a list to find wholesale products, then I would suggest going to and doing a simple search in their marketplace. Clickbank sells digital products and you will be able to tell when the digital product was released so you can determine if this is new, or if its an old product.The markets are constantly changing and suppliers come and go with more frequency now than ever due to the competition. You need to ensure for your business' sake that you have the most up to date information. Do your homework right, and you will find your products at discounted or wholesale amounts that will instantly pull you in profits.
By: Brian T.
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Bargain Shopping On The Internet
Terms :- Always make sure about the terms of the transaction. Legal terms and any disclaimers governing the transaction. You may think these maybe lengthy and want to get over and done with your transaction. But it is important that you know the terms of the transaction you’re about to perform.Use a Secure Web Browser :- Online vendors “encrypt” purchase information which means only the vendor and yourself can read it. Always order from online stores that offer secured transactions. These are the “trustworthy” sites. They keep your information secure and doesn’t re- distribute your information to any external parties. Always avoid other site which doesn’t take you to a page which will perform” a secured transaction”. If you have doubts about a site, right-click anywhere on the page and select "Properties." This will let you see the real URL (Web site address) and the dialog box will reveal if the site is "not encrypted." Records :- A confirmation email will be sent to you that confirm your order. Print these out and keep them safely for your own records and convenience.Check your credit card and bank statements :- make sure to check these for your own safety. If there are any unauthorised payments contact your Credit Card Company or relevant bank and inform them immediately.Check the online store's policies :- this will provide disclosures about the store’s refund and return policies, and about the web site’s security itself and how it uses your personal information. Make sure to take a few minutes to read them. Read the site's privacy policy to understand what personal information is being requested and how it will be used. If there isn't one posted, consider that a warning that your personal information may be sold to others without your permission. Comparing PricesYou can compare prices too when shopping online as when you do “conventional shopping”. You can do this by visiting web sites like:Price RunnerPriceGrabber.comShopzillaSmarter.comDo you trust the merchant? You can check the merchant’s reputation from whom you’re hoping to make your purchase by looking at their feedback by conducting web searches. You can check with the Better Business Bureau ( for a report about the merchant’s marketplace record. And finally trust you instincts or your “gut” feelings about the web site or transaction you’re about to perform. If you feel it’s too good to be true it probably is. Better be safe than sorry afterwards.Happy shopping!
By: AbdusSami
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Abdus Sami is known for his writing on the subject of Online and easy Shopping for several Discount shopping , Online Shopping. Abdus Sami is a scientist in Internet marketing and author of many articles on Comparison shopping business journals. For more data visit our site.
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Bush orders cuts in nuclear stockpile
WASHINGTON - President Bush has approved "a significant reduction" in the U.S. nuclear weapons stockpile, cutting it to less than one-quarter its size at the end of the Cold War, the White House said Tuesday.
At the same time, the Energy Department announced plans to consolidate the nuclear weapons complex that maintains warheads and dismantle those no longer needed, saying the current facilities need to be made more efficient and more easily secured and that the larger complex is no longer needed.
"We are reducing our nuclear weapons stockpile to the lowest level consistent with America's national security and our commitments to friends and allies," White House press secretary Dana Perino said. "A credible deterrent remains an essential part of U.S. national security, and nuclear forces remain key to meeting emerging security challenges."
The government will not provide any numbers on the overall size of the nuclear stockpile, but there are believed to be nearly 6,000 warheads that either are deployed or in reserve.
Separately, under terms of a 2002 arms control treaty with Russia, the U.S. is committed to reducing the number of deployed warheads to between 1,700 and 2,200 by 2012.
Three years ago, Bush said he wanted the overall stockpile reduced to half by 2012, but officials said that goal now has been reached so further reductions are being made, resulting in the new targets for 2012.
The Energy Department has been examining ways to consolidate the complex of weapons stockpile-related facilities at eight major locations across the country. They include federal research laboratories and other sites involved in nuclear stockpile stewardship and warhead dismantlement.
"Today's nuclear weapons complex needs to move from the outdated Cold War complex into one that is smaller, safer, more secure and less expensive," said Thomas D'Agostino, administrator of the National Nuclear Security Administration, which oversees nuclear warhead programs within the department.
Under the consolidation proposal, which must still go through formal environmental reviews, special nuclear material used in weapons will be moved to five sites by the end of 2012 and the overall work force will be reduced by 20 to 30 percent.
While none of the eight major facilities will be closed, about 600 buildings or structures will be closed or shifted to non-weapons activities and two testing facilities supporting weapons labs will be closed.
While the consolidation reflects the reduction in the size of the warhead stockpile, it also has been prompted by growing concern over the ability to provide adequate security over the larger complex as security demands have increased sharply since the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.
Some of those security demands have been viewed as far too expensive under the current spread of nuclear materials — plutonium and highly enriched weapons-grade uranium — within the complex.
The NNSA announced in September plans to consolidate plutonium from sites in Washington state, California and New Mexico to the Savannah River facility in South Carolina for storage and conversion.
Meanwhile, the administration faced a setback in its hopes of developing a new, more reliable and robust warhead that would eventually replace the existing, aging warheads.
The broad omnibus spending bill expected to be approved by Congress eliminated money for the Reliable Replacement Warhead for the current fiscal year. The administration had asked for $88 million for design and preliminary work on the proposed warhead.
"This (warhead) would have sent the wrong signal around the world encouraging the very proliferation we are trying to prevent," Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., a critic of the new warhead program said.
NNSA spokesman Bryan Wilkes said the funding cut was disappointing.
"This program is intended to establish the feasibility of a more secure and safer warhead that would help to assure long-term confidence in the reliability of the nuclear weapons stockpile without nuclear testing," Wilkes said.
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5 Sebab Kenapa Kita Patut Tanam Rumput Hiasan Di Halaman Rumah
- Halaman rumah kita akan membantu mengindahkan kejiranan kita. Bukan sekadar mengindahkan rumah kita, tetapi jika kawasan kita besar dan jiran kita bekerjasama, seluruh kawasan kejiranan kita akan menerima manafaat keindahan halaman rumput rumah kita.
- Tempat rehat dan bersantai untuk keluarga dan tetamu. Bayangkan: kita duduk di buaian, membaca akhbar sambil di temani isteri (atau suami) dan anak-anak bermain di atas rumput di hadapan rumah.
- Halaman rumah yang cantik dan terurus akan memberi gambaran yang baik tentang tuan rumah. Urus rumput dengan rapi, dan kita akan nampak kereta di pandu perlahan depan rumah kita. Tanam pokok banyak-banyak keliling rumah, dan kita tidur malam tak lena takut ada bajingan belakang pokok. Bayangkan memberi panduan kepada keluarga atau kawan yang datang dari jauh dengan menggunakan halaman rumput kita sebagai mercu tanda?
- Tempat yang selesa untuk menghibur atau bekerja. Kawasan rumput hiasan di halaman rumah boleh menjadi tempat untuk barbeku, kenduri, perjumpaan, mesyuarat (mengapa tidak?) atau kita mungkin menjadikan penjagaan rumput hiasan sebagai suatu hobi.
- Lebih senang rumput dari pokok. Dengar lah nasihat dari orang yang kerjanya menjaga rumput dan lanskap; lebih senang mendapat kawasan yang nampak terurus bila ia terdiri dari satu jenis rumput daripada berjenis-jenis pokok dalam pasu atau atas tanah yang tumbuh tidak sekata dan berbunga mengikut musim.
5 sebab utama kenapa perlu kertas kerja
5 sebab utama kenapa perlu kertas kerja
- Memberi peluang kepada anda untuk melihat dan menilai projek perniagaan dengan teliti dan terperinci.
- Memberi gambaran sama ada projek yang dirancang berdaya maju atau sebaliknya.
- Membantu anda menganggarkan keperluan sumber-sumber dan mengagihkan sumber-sumber perniagaan yang ada dengan sistematik.
- Menyakinkan pihak lain (contoh pihak bank) bahawa projek yang hendak dijalankan berdaya maju dan sesuai untuk pelaburan.
- Memberi maklumat kepada anda tentang masalah yang mungkin akan timbul semasa melaksanakan projek perniagaan berkenaan.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
How To Change Your Mind To Change Your Life
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What Do You Know About Vitamins
1. Vitamin AVitamin A, a fat-soluble vitamin, plays a really big part in eyesight and helps us to see in dim light and also at night. Vitamin A is also involved in the formation and maintenance of healthy skin, hair, and mucous membranes. In addition, it is necessary for proper bone growth, tooth development, reproduction and for the development of epithelial cells (that line any opening to the body e.g.; nose, throat, lungs, mouth, stomach, intestines and urinary tract). Vitamin A can be found in eggs, milk, carrots, spinach, sweet potatoes, fish oil, liver (pork, lamb, chicken, turkey or beef), butter, broccoli, apricots, nectarines, cantaloupe, and orange or yellow vegetables or fruits.The deficiency of vitamin A can cause two major disorders like: night blindness and drying of skin.2. Vitamin BVitamin B itself is a complex of different vitamins like: B1, B2, B6, B12, niacin, folic acid, biotin and pantothenic acid. These B vitamins are very important in metabolic activity and in facilitating the red blood cell (which carry oxygen throughout your body). They also help your body make protein and energy.The sources of vitamin B are leafy green vegetables seafood, beans, peas, citrus fruits, whole grains (such as wheat and oats), poultry, meats, eggs and dairy products (like milk and yogurt). Some bacteria in our large intestine also prepare some type of B-vitamins.The deficiency of vitamin B can cause the disease “Beri Beri”, cracked lips, weak muscles, malformation of red blood cells, affects normal growth and disturbs the nervous system.3. Vitamin CVitamin C or ascorbic acid is a water-soluble, antioxidant vitamin that is vital to the production of collagen, a protein that gives structure to bones, cartilage, muscle, and blood vessels. It is important for keeping body tissues, such as gums and muscles in good shape and it helps in quick healing of wounds. In addition, it helps protecting the fat-soluble vitamins A and E as well as fatty acids from oxidation.The vitamin C can be found in citrus fruits (like lemon & orange), cantaloupe, strawberries, tomatoes, broccoli, cabbage and in other fresh fruits and vegetables.The deficiency of vitamin C affects the healthy skin; poor wound healing and can lead to a disease called “Scurvy” which causes bleeding in gums, easy bruising, bumps of coiled hair on the arms and legs, pain in the joints, muscle wasting, and many other problems.4. Vitamin DVitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that regulates the formation of bone and the absorption of calcium and phosphorus from the intestine. It helps to control the movement of calcium between bone and blood, and vice versa. It is this vitamin you need for strong bones and teeth. In addition it helps your body absorb the amount of calcium it needs.Vitamin D can be found in fish liver oil, egg yolks, milk and other dairy products fortified with vitamin D. It is also produced in our body in the presence of ultra violet light and sunlight.The deficiency of vitamin D can cause weak bones and bowed legs (in children). And its excess can cause loss of appetite, weight loss, nausea, headache, depression and deposits of calcium in the kidneys.5. Vitamin EVitamin E, a fat-soluble vitamin, is essential for the inhibition of oxidation in body tissues, formation of red blood cells, and also prevents breakdown of body tissues. It maintains the body tissues and protects the lungs from becoming damaged by polluted air.This vitamin can be found in whole grains (such as wheat and oat), wheat germ, leafy green vegetables, sardines, egg yolks, nuts, bread, cereals and seeds.The deficiency of this vitamin can cause many diseases like cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and Alzheimer's disease.
By: Cary Clack
Article Directory:
Find your Vitamins information and other useful information about nutrition and health care at this health directory.
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Monday, December 17, 2007
Sabah Pearls